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BOC Volunteer Spotlight – Cynthia Clivio, M. Ed, ATC

The BOC would like to take this opportunity to thank all our BOC volunteers who serve as BOC board members, committee, task force and workgroup members and exam item writers. The BOC welcomes volunteers from a variety of backgrounds. Visit the BOC website, to learn more about volunteer opportunities with the BOC.

In this feature, we would like to spotlight Cynthia Clivio, M. Ed, ATC of District 8; Clivio is the current chair of the BOC Professional Practice and Disciplinary Committee and previously served as a member of this committee. In addition, Clivio has been in multiple volunteer roles for the BOC including exam test site administrator, examiner training facilitator and test site examiner. Currently serving as the National Athletic Trainers’ Association’s District 8 secretary, Clivio has been active now and in the past on both the national and state levels for the athletic training profession.


Clivio has been a Certified Athletic Trainer since 1987 and is currently employed by Kamehameha Schools, as athletic healthcare manager overseeing Athletic Trainers on three campuses covering three islands.


Why is volunteering for the BOC important to you?

It is all about the vision, mission and values. I support creating and maintaining high quality health care providers who exhibit integrity and professionalism.


What is the best or most rewarding part about volunteering with the BOC?

Anytime you volunteer for an organization you have the opportunity to make something just a little better, to have a say in how the organization moves forward and to leave it better for the next generation. Also, the BOC staff provides amazing support to all its volunteers.


How did you first come to know about a BOC volunteer opportunity?

I was invited to participate in the Certification Examination Process. Next, I became involved in Governmental Affairs and attended the BOC’s regulatory conferences which helped Hawaii on its path to regulation. From there, I became a member of the BOC Professional Practice and Discipline Committee. I actually have a hard time remembering when I did not have some type of involvement with the BOC


What advice would you give to an AT looking to get involved as a BOC volunteer?

Start anywhere, there is always an opportunity to shape the future of athletic training and each person can make a significant difference.

How has your experience volunteering at the BOC influenced you?

I’ve learned so much about how and why we set the standards and expectations for our profession, the impact to the public as well as the need for public protection and learned how we align in the global scope of the health care system.

This article was originally published in the 2022 summer “Cert Update” newsletter.

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