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CPC Concept Further Defined by AT Efforts

Development of the Continuing Professional Certification (CPC) concept has been further defined over the past year, based on additional research, analysis and work from multiple Athletic Trainer (AT) volunteer groups, as well as input from various subject matter experts. The work of these groups are a direct result of the AT focus groups conducted in spring 2022 (results shared in Cert Update Winter 2022  or BOC website).

Throughout this phase there has been continued connection to ATs, using their input to shape and provide the foundation for ongoing development. Response from ATs to date indicates that they see impactful learning and continuing professional development built using hands-on and structured learning tools that allow for a flexible, individualized approach.

Work Group Phase II

Over the past year, targeted groups focused their time and expertise to develop and refine specific learning tools and components. In addition to the work of an initial Quality Improvement (QI) Work Group launched in June 2022, several additional groups began meeting bi-weekly from January to March 2023 to dig into various topics and define potential enhancements. Each provided a report and recommendations to the CPC Task Force for their analysis.

The work groups included:

  • Quality Improvement (QI): This second QI group worked to expand on recommendations provided by the first work group to further develop a QI network, refine the QI template and create project examples.
    • Professional Goals Appraisal (PGA): There were two work groups assembled that reviewed recommendations from a previously conducted pilot, assessed the current PGA and provided guidance for enhancing the PGA into the broader CPC program. Part of their work included development of a formative learning component.
    • Competence Assessment Modules (CAMs): This group considered strategies, efficiencies and collaboration opportunities to identify recommendations for developing CAMs.
    • BOC Standards Committee/Continuing Education (CE): This group evaluated current continuing education categories and requirements for any recommendations that might impact CPC.

In addition to formulation of recommendations, each group, along with staff, considered technology, communications and budgetary implications of proposed actions.

CPC Task Force

The CPC Task Force was a large, diverse volunteer group within the athletic training profession intentionally assembled to provide broad representation of settings and demographics. Its role has been to provide oversight of the research and development phase where results are funneled for analysis, and to define recommendations for the BOC Board of Directors. Liaisons from the CPC Task Force attended work group meetings. Following the work group phase, the CPC Task Force met in April to review reports and recommendations from all work groups, and either accepted or enhanced presented recommendations for the BOC board’s review and approval. Their report was presented and considered during the board’s July 2023 meeting.

Next Steps

Based on previous board approval, the enhanced PGA, now identified as Pathfinder (a proposed component of CPC) will be piloted in January 2024 for one year. Data from this pilot will be analyzed during 2025 to identify refinements and improvements, as needed and approved by the BOC board.

In addition, the full CPC structure will continue to be developed based on research outcomes of the work groups and aligned with recommendations from the CPC Task Force and board discussions. All components studied in the work groups will be enhanced as the holistic CPC concept is further defined and shaped to meet AT needs.

Look for coming updates and stay current on CPC developments, as well as learn more about the concept’s background, by visiting the BOC website.

Click here to learn more about the 2024 Pathfinder Pilot.

This article was originally published in the 2023 winter “Cert Update.”

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