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International Climate Survey: Needs for Continuing Education Identified

Survey Overview

With the development of the International Arrangement, more global opportunities will become available for Athletic Trainers (ATs) who will require continuing education (CE) options based on their practice location(s). A survey to assess the climate related to CE within the international athletic training realm was conducted in 2022. It was sent to 745 BOC Certified Athletic Trainers who held an address outside the U.S. Responses were received from 200 ATs (26.8%). Of this group, the BOC received 75% completed surveys, and 25% partially completed surveys. Data from all were included in the final analysis.


Survey Results

Access to Quality CE

The largest challenge identified by this group of ATs who practice internationally was the lack of awareness and access to quality CE at the same level as what can be obtained within the U.S. Lack of opportunities, as well as the need to translate CE opportunities were identified as additional challenges/barriers to access.

Access to Education Options and Satisfaction Levels

A total of 82 respondents expressed satisfaction with the availability and variety of online CE opportunities in their respective countries. Qualitative feedback related to this question stated that the quantity of virtual conferences increased due to COVID. Those unsatisfied (86) stated that they prefer live, in-person events, and that these types of events were not available during COVID.

As the market for ATs overseas continues to expand, there are opportunities for BOC Approved Providers to help meet this demand for CE. Assessing this new market, as well as its inherent challenges, are first steps in branching out and delivering viable and desired program options.

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