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Test Your Knowledge: BOC Candidate Handbook Trivia

Navigating the policies and procedures of the “BOC Certification Exam Candidate Handbook” can be fun, beneficial and enlightening for athletic training students preparing for the BOC exam. As the number one resource for information about the BOC exam process, the “BOC Certification Exam Candidate Handbook” is an important guide for program directors, educators and candidates.

To help motivate candidates to find important information within the “BOC Certification Exam Candidate Handbook,” consider using the candidate handbook trivia exercise below. The document goes through important points of the BOC exam process and helps to highlight actions for candidates.

>Candidate Handbook Trivia

Don’t forget, during the application and registration process, candidates are asked to attest to reading and understanding the information within the “BOC Certification Exam Candidate Handbook” so it is important that they are knowledgeable about this resource. Make sure you pass along the “BOC Certification Exam Candidate Handbook” to your students and emphasize the importance of the handbook as they prepare for the BOC exam.

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