Q: How do I file a complaint?
A: The BOC requires potential violations of the BOC Standards of Practice to be reported via a written and signed statement. The BOC encourages complainants to use our online complaint form to provide us with the relevant details of the allegations. Complaints may also be submitted via email or mail.
Q: Whom may I file a complaint against?
A: The BOC Professional Practice and Discipline Committee has jurisdiction over all BOC Certified Athletic Trainers (ATs) and prospective or current exam applicants. Individuals using the ATC® trademark without authorization are subject to action by the BOC.
Q: What details should I include in the complaint?
A: The complaint should contain a factual summary of events or allegations including the dates of occurrence, any relevant documentation or contact information for witnesses should be provided to the BOC to assist in conducting a proper and through investigation. The complaint should establish a fact-pattern of evidence of a potential violation of the BOC Standards of Professional Practice.
Q: What is the BOC’s disciplinary process?
A: Once a complaint has been received, the BOC will conduct a preliminary review to determine if a potential violation of the BOC Standards of Professional Practice may have occurred. If a potential violation is perceived, then the BOC will launch an investigation into the matter. As part of an investigation, the BOC will continue to collect any relevant evidence regarding the allegations and send the Respondent an Investigation Notice. Upon completing the investigation, the BOC Professional Practice and Discipline Committee will adjudicate the case and determine if any disciplinary actions should be imposed. Please reference the BOC Discipline Process handout to learn more. The BOC complies with the Professional Practice and Discipline Guidelines and Procedures in all disciplinary matters.
Q: How long does an investigation take?
A: The disciplinary process may vary in time depending on the nature and complexity of the complaint. Cases may be completed in as short as a few weeks or as long as a year or more.
Q: Will I be required to participate in the investigation after filing a complaint?
A: Once a complaint is received, the BOC will confirm with the complainant that it has been received. During the preliminary review or investigation, the BOC may request from the complainant further information, documentation, or statements from potential witnesses.
Q: How do I find out how the complaint is progressing?
A: The BOC does not share details of an investigation. The status (open or closed) of an investigation may be given to the complainant upon request.
Q: May I file a complaint anonymously?
A: BOC occasionally receives anonymous complaints. However, we strongly encourage you to provide your name and contact information in case further information is needed to facilitate an investigation into your complaint. The identity of the complainant, witnesses or any victims will remain confidential to the extent consistent with a proper and thorough investigation.
Q: Will my complaint be kept confidential?
A: The BOC will not release the identity of a complainant, witness or victim. The identity of the complainant, witnesses or any victims will remain confidential to the extent consistent with a proper and thorough investigation
Q: Will the complainant receive a copy of the investigative findings?
A: Once a case has been adjudicated and closed, the BOC will notify the complaint. However, the BOC will not provide any further details of the investigation or of any final disciplinary action unless such disciplinary action was deemed public. Public disciplinary actions are posted on the BOC Disciplinary Action Exchange.