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BOC Volunteer Spotlight – Suzette Nynas, EdD, LAT, ATC

The BOC would like to take this opportunity to thank all our BOC volunteers who serve as BOC board members, committee, task force and work group members and exam item writers. The BOC welcomes volunteers from a variety of backgrounds. Visit the BOC website, to learn more about volunteer opportunities with the BOC.

In this feature, we would like to spotlight Suzette Nynas, EdD, LAT, ATC of District 10; Nynas currently serves on the BOC Specialty Council. In addition, Nynas has held positions on the national and regional levels for the athletic training profession and is currently a CAATE peer reviewer.

Nynas has been a Certified Athletic Trainer since 1997 and is currently employed by Montana State University Billings as an associate professor and department chair, as well as AT program director.

Why is volunteering for the BOC important to you?

It important for me to give back to my profession and do whatever I can to help the profession continue to grow, evolve and change for the better.

What is the best or most rewarding part about volunteering with the BOC?

The relationships! I have thoroughly enjoyed working with my fellow committee members and the BOC staff!

How did you first come to know about a BOC volunteer opportunity?

I was a member of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association’ Board of Athletic Training Specialties Work Group that eventually moved to the BOC and was renamed the Specialty Council.

What advice would you give to an AT looking to get involved as a BOC volunteer?

If you have the desire to serve, I encourage you to take the leap and apply for one of the many volunteer opportunities. The BOC is a great organization and volunteering allows you to have impact on the athletic training profession now and into the future.

How has your experience volunteering at the BOC influenced you?

I am grateful for the opportunity to give back to my profession and work with so many people who are passionate about athletic training.

This article was originally published in the 2022 summer “Cert Update” newsletter.

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