Continuing Professional Certification Presentation at VNATA
The session titled “Continuing Your Certification: A New Approach for Continuing Education” took place during the VNATA on July 14. (Slides from the presentation are available below).
Presentation Summary
Continuing Professional Certification (CPC) is what the BOC currently recognizes as certification maintenance. In 2016, the BOC board charged a task force with developing a recommendation for a new system integrating professionalism, assessment, life-long learning and advancing practice to determine continuing certification status. Critical to this redevelopment is the need for the BOC to establish standards within each component. The BOC board believes that by raising standards, such as the 2016 revisions to the BOC Approved Provider Program, the elevated quality of learning standards, willenhance cliniciancontinued competence. CPC is a means to foster life-long learning rather than simply collecting continuing education hours or credits. The three components include: 1) Professionalism, 2) Life-Long Learning and 3) Practice Performance.
Continuing Professional Certification Presentation Slides