IDEAS Committee Update: Initiatives Move Forward, IDEAS Committee Formed
The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Advocacy Strategies Task Force (IDEAS), headed by co-chairs Carla R. Gilson, MA, AT, LAT, CES and Cathy Ortega, EdD, PT, ATC, OCS has continued to support the BOC’s Strategic Plan priority of Advocacy since its formation in November 2020. The groundwork of IDEAS will move forward permanently, as the BOC Board of Directors approved the formation of an IDEAS Committee which will take the foundational work of the task force and bring it to life. Ortega and Gilson will lead this new committee as co-chairs, supported by a strong core of high energy volunteers.
The IDEAS Committee has begun work on defined strategic initiatives focused within the areas of the BOC exam, continuing education, the athletic training profession, BOC administration and operations. Action items within a detailed work plan, approved by the BOC board, will guide implementation of these efforts over the next several years.
Early projects the committee is undertaking include defining guidelines and reviewing processes that will ensure that practices, processes, documents and communications meet defined levels of being IDEAS reflective and/or IDEAS compliant, based on the intention of each activity.
With the launch of the BOC360 portal for Athletic Trainers (ATs), data collection for demographics related to ethnicity and gender information, disability status and other background details has been expanded. As the preeminent source of data collection for ATs, the BOC will continually analyze and utilize this new collection of robust demographic information to serve the profession, assisting with research and analysis of the AT population. With this new data, the BOC will assess issues such as diversity within the athletic training profession.
The committee will collaborate with BOC staff on an ongoing basis to support initiatives for recruitment and leadership development of future volunteers and staff. In addition, the committee will work with diversity, equity, inclusion groups within our Strategic Alliance partners to create consistent definitions and terms around IDEAS. The committee’s work with our strategic partners will align IDEAS efforts and allow us to communicate as a profession.