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BOC Data: The Backbone of AT Certification

The value of BOC certification extends far beyond helping Athletic Trainers (ATs) earn and maintain certification. At the BOC, data serves as the backbone for informed decision-making, strategic planning and ultimately improving patient outcomes through the strengthening of the ATC® credential. In the dynamic landscape of health care, the BOC strives to be the lead contributor of AT data with efforts to help others understand the athletic training profession and influence support.

As the credentialing organization for the athletic training profession, the BOC is the premier AT data source. The BOC plays a pivotal role by collecting, packaging and sharing comprehensive data in several ways, informing credential holders, strategic partners and allied organizations. As we look to the future, harnessing the power of data will continue to be essential in ensuring the continued success and sustainability of the athletic training profession. Today, we will discuss the data resources available at the BOC.


Following the completion of each certification maintenance reporting period, the BOC pulls data to develop a comprehensive BOC Certified AT Demographics report outlining the following characteristics: age, sex, gender, years certified, race/ethnicity, practice setting and location. This report allows the BOC and stakeholders to view patterns related to the AT population.

To gather a broader perspective and be able to better serve the individualized needs of ATs, the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Advocacy (IDEAS) Committee expanded demographic fields within BOC profiles for ATs in 2022. This refined data has enabled the BOC to assess issues around diversity within the athletic training profession, related to everything from exam administration to certification renewal with a clearer view of the characteristics that impact ATs, allowing us to better meet needs.

Data is continually assessed to identify shifts in demographics that may impact programs and processes at the BOC, and within the athletic training profession. The BOC tracks representation among the pool of more than 500 volunteers. We have implemented recruitment and outreach processes to align this group as closely as possible with our overall demographic profile to ensure volunteers are representative of the AT population.


Certification numbers, as well as historical insights, are integrated into the BOC Annual Report to provide a snapshot in time of data and achievements. In addition, this new data is used to project trends and shape programs and services to support an ever-changing AT profile and patterns of certification maintenance.

Once the certification maintenance period is closed, the BOC reaches out to anyone who did not recertify to gather data about attrition. Valuable information gathered helps the BOC assess qualitative and quantitative data to pinpoint patterns surrounding attrition.

Additionally, certification numbers are shared with our strategic partners. The National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) uses information supplied by the BOC to develop their State of Athletic Training Official Statement released in the second quarter of the year following the AT certification maintenance deadline. This valuable report analyzes the BOC data, as well as other market information, to map out trends related to supply/demand for ATs and salary growth. Sections included in this report are:

  • The State of Employment for Athletic Training
  • The AT Employment Market Today
  • The AT Employment Market of Tomorrow
  • What Employers Need to Know To Recruit ATs


The BOC administers the BOC AT Certification Exam five times a year (February, April, June, August and October). Statistical reports are generated from each exam form and testing window, tracking results from both first-time and retake exam takers. The BOC AT Certification Exam is a high-stakes exam and the accuracy of results is of the utmost importance in awarding this credential, as well as vital to the safety of the patients to whom ATs render care. As an accredited credentialing organization, the BOC is required to continually validate exam performance and scoring using statistics to drive that validation process. In addition, the BOC can track any performance trends, which is critical.

The validity of the certification exam depends on a quality testing process which includes ongoing data analysis. The full BOC exam process is specifically outlined and consistently implemented to ensure validity – both before and after administration. The ATC® credential program is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) and all exam policies and procedures align with NCCA Standards. Each year an Annual Exam Report is developed and released with appropriate data and statistics outlined for transparency. In addition, archived reports can be accessed.


There are many benefits of leveraging robust datasets to drive programs and services and enhance the AT experience. Data is the backbone of the BOC’s daily work, including housing accurate information on individual credential holders. Through details such as demographics, exam information, licensure, practice settings, continuing education and more, the BOC can construct not only a comprehensive profile for each credential holder but also use the data to consistently track larger trends and forecast movements that are impacting the profession.

Beyond its immediate utility, the strength of data collected by the BOC and advanced analytics lies in its potential to drive innovation and excellence within the athletic training profession by uncovering actionable insights that fuel continuous enhancements. For instance, it helps to identify emerging needs within the profession and anticipate future demand for specific specialties and microcredentials to address critical gaps in care delivery and to ensure sustainability and the ability to respond to evolving health care challenges.

Data is a key component in developing short-term and long-term projections and plans. The BOC Board of Directors recently released its’ three-year BOC Strategic Plan. Priorities and specific action items in the plan were developed based on data trends as well as forecasted social trends identified by the BOC’s Foresight Champions Task Force.

This article was originally published in the 2024 summer “Cert Update” newsletter.

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