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For students & graduates.
Steps to Becoming Certified

Determine Eligibility

BOC certification is just the beginning of your journey with the BOC.

The BOC believes that continually supporting a credential holder’s practice has long term benefits for all stakeholders: patients, families, employers, regulators, educators and the public. The process to become a Certified Athletic Trainer begins with determining your eligibility for the BOC Certification Exam.

Watch now to help determine your eligibility for the BOC exam. Then learn how to create a profile, apply, register, schedule your BOC exam and complete your certification file.

The BOC Exam Candidate Handbook is an important resource for determining eligibility, understanding exam policy and procedures and reviewing fee structure. Additional information regarding exam policies and procedures including fee structure is available in the BOC Exam Candidate Handbook.

Download 2024-2025 BOC Exam Candidate Handbook

Effective for the March/April 2024 — Jan. 2025 exam windows

Download 2025-2026 BOC Exam Candidate Handbook

Effective for the March/April 2025 — Jan. 2026 exam windows

Create a Profile

The certification process begins with determining eligibility and then creating a BOC profile.

As a candidate, you will use your BOC profile to manage your personal information, apply/register for the BOC exam, communicate with the BOC and request verification for state licensure or employment once certified. The following page contains instructions for entering your personal, demographic and academic information.


Prepare a Study Plan

The information found in this section is divided into multiple sub components for your convenience, please review each of them for a comprehensive overview on preparing a study plan.

Review Exam Deadlines

At a Glance

Complete all exam steps through your BOC profile.

Must be enrolled in a CAATE accredited athletic training education program or eligible through the International Arrangement.

Create a BOC profile
Step 1:  Apply

Candidate must complete Steps 1 & 2 (Form AT102) by Application Deadline. Please allow 1-2 business days for applications to be processed. Applications received after 5 p.m. CT on the application deadline date will not be processed until the registration period has closed.

Step 2:  Register

Applications must be APPROVED in order to register for the exam. Candidates must complete and pay the exam fee on AT103: Exam Registration in your BOC profile no later than 5 p.m. CT on the exam registration deadline date. The BOC must receive ADA accommodations requests no later than 5 p.m. CT on the registration deadline date. All ADA accommodation requests are due on the registration deadline.

Step 3:  Schedule

Candidates who register will receive an email from (Meazure Learning) 3-7 business days after the last exam registration date. The email will include a link, username and password. Candidates will utilize this information to log into the Meazure Learning website to schedule their exam site, date and time. Candidates may need to add and to their list of approved senders so important messages do not get sent to their spam folder. ARTI Certified Athletic Rehabilitation Therapists may schedule an exam in Ireland, Canada and United States. University of Camilo José Cela (UCJC) candidates may only schedule an exam in Spain, Canada or United States. Graduates of a CAATE accredited athletic training program may only schedule an exam in Canada or United States.

Step 4:  Exam

The BOC exam is administered at Meazure Learning testing centers during 2-week testing windows.

Step 5:  Results

Within 2-4 weeks from the last day of the exam window, you will receive an email from notifying you exam results have been posted online. You will be instructed to log into your BOC profile to see your updated status. Visit Transition from Candidate to AT page for more information.

Apply for Exam

Step 1: Students/Graduates of a CAATE Accredited Program

Complete AT102: Exam Application
  • Log into your BOC profile
  • In the “My To Do List” section, click “Apply for BOC Exam”
  • After you submit step 1 of 2, your program director will receive an email to review your information
  • After your program director approves or rejects the form, you will receive an email with your application status
  • If step 1 is rejected, you will need to correct the data and resubmit the form
  • If your graduation date changes after your application is approved, you must complete a Graduation Date Change

Step 1: International Arrangement Athletic Training and Therapy Professionals (ARTI/BASRaT/CATA)

Complete AT102: Exam Application
  • Log into your BOC profile
  • In the “My To Do List” section, click “Apply for BOC Exam”
  • After you submit step 1 of 2, you will receive an email directing you to International Consultants of Delaware, Inc. (ICD) to complete a credentials evaluation application
  • Once ICD provides a credentials evaluation report, you will receive an email with instructions for next steps that are dependent on the outcome of the evaluation

Note: Visit the International Arrangement website for more information.

Step 2

Complete AT102: Exam Application
  • Log into your BOC profile
  • In the “My To Do List” section, click “Apply for BOC Exam”
  • Submit step 2 of 2
Exam Application Fee (non-refundable)
  • NATA members $75
  • Non NATA members $100
  • Reinstatement by exam $100
  • International Arrangement $125

Applications received by 5 p.m. CT on the application deadline date are processed within two days for the current exam window.

If your application was submitted after 5 p.m. CT on the exam application deadline date, you will not be eligible to sit for the current exam window. We will process your application after the registration window for the current exam window closes.

Note – Return ACH Fee: $25
Log In To Your Account
View BOC Candidate Handbook

Register for Exam

Review the BOC Exam Deadlines on the tab above.

Complete and pay the exam fee on “AT103: Exam Registration” in your profile no later than 5 p.m. CT on the exam registration deadline date.

  • The form will appear in the “My To Do List” section of your BOC profile only during the exam registration window. Registration will appear in the My Upcoming Tasks section of your BOC profile when a future registration window is not available.

Exam Fees

First time and retake candidates

Testing in the United States or Canada –  $375

Testing outside the United States or Canada – $490
($375 exam fee + $115 international surcharge)

The BOC accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or personal checks/money orders. Payment must be received by 5 p.m. CT on the exam registration deadline date. $25 return ACH fee.

Log In To Your Account
View BOC Candidate Handbook

Schedule/Reschedule Exam


After you register for the exam, you will receive an email from on the first date of the scheduling window (see exam deadlines) to schedule your exam site/date/time.

The BOC utilizes Meazure Learning testing centers

ARTI Certified Athletic Rehabilitation Therapists may schedule an exam in Ireland, Canada and the United States. BASRaT Sport Rehabilitators may schedule an exam in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. University Camilo José Cela (UCJC) candidates may only schedule an exam in Spain, Canada or the United States. Graduates of a CAATE accredited athletic training program or CATA Athletic Therapists may only schedule an exam in Canada or the United States. Any request to change an exam site may result in additional fees.


All rescheduling requests must come in writing

Rescheduling fees may apply

BOC allows an unlimited number of exam retakes within one year of the date of your exam results being posted. Please check with your State Regulatory Agency/Board(s) to see if they have any requirements regarding exam attempts.

Information on all exam policies (rescheduling, cancellation, failure to schedule, appeal, etc.) and accompanying fees can be found in the “BOC Exam Candidate Handbook”

View BOC Candidate Handbook


Transition from Candidate to AT

This video explains the BOC exam scoring process and psychometrics model as well as how the process affects timing on delivering BOC exam results to candidates.

Watch now to learn more about BOC exam results, and how to complete your certification file.

Within two-four weeks from the last day of the exam window, you will receive an email from notifying you exam results have been posted online. You will be instructed to log into your BOC profile to see your updated status.


You passed the BOC exam, completed your file for certification and are now a Certified Athletic Trainer. You are authorized to use the ATC® credential.

What’s Next?

Keep an eye out for an email with your certification number, how to access your certification card and certificate, how to request verification of certification for state licensure and other important information.

Certification Eligible

You passed the BOC exam and need to complete your file for certification. You are not yet certified; the use of the ATC® credential is strictly prohibited.

What’s Next?

Complete your BOC file by submitting the following:

    • Official transcript (see below for requirements)
    • A copy of your current Emergency Cardiac Care card or certificate (see below for requirements)

Eligible for Exam

You haven’t passed the exam yet, but you can try again.

What’s Next?

Log into your BOC profile to view exam score and basic descriptive report. Please note, scores may take up to 24 hours to appear.

Register for another exam window as soon as possible.

Review Exam Deadlines


The BOC processes official transcripts within 2-3 business days of receipt. You will be sent an email once the documentation has been processed. Once officially certified, you are also sent an email which will include your certification number.

Official transcripts should NOT be sent to the BOC until the degree and date of degree have been posted.

Official Transcripts Requirements

The official final transcript MUST include ALL of the following:

  • Candidate’s full name
  • Candidate’s social security number OR student identification number
  • Name of the institution awarding the athletic training degree
  • Listing of all courses completed and required for the CAATE-accredited degree
  • Title of the entry level degree awarded in athletic training
  • The date on which the degree was awarded/conferred. Transcripts with a graduation date that is after the transcript issue date will not be accepted
  • The registrar’s official seal, stamp or signature
Acceptable methods to send official transcripts:

An official transcript, in a university sealed envelope, with degree and date of degree posted can be mailed to the BOC at the following address:

Board of Certification
Attn: Credentialing Operations
1411 Harney St Ste 100
Omaha NE 68102-2238


Electronic transcripts will ONLY be accepted if they are electronically transferred from a secure and verifiable transcript service or clearing house (e.g. eScript, eCredential Solutions, National Student Clearinghouse, Parchment Send Service, Transcript Network). Transcripts will NOT be accepted as an email attachment. The secure electronic transcript must be transferred directly from the transcript service to

ECC Card or Certificate

The BOC processes ECC cards or certificates within two-three business days of receipt. You will be sent an email once the documentation has been processed. Once officially certified, you are also sent an email which will include your certification number.

ECC cards or certificates (signed by the participant if no QR code is present) may be uploaded on your BOC profile at any time. Find the ECC submission on the left side of your BOC dashboard.

Click here for more details about ECC requirements for Athletic Trainers.

Students/Graduates of a CAATE Program

Exam Requirements

In order to attain BOC certification, an individual must complete an entry-level athletic training education program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) and pass the BOC Certification Exam. A list of accredited programs can be found on the CAATE website.

In order to qualify as a candidate for the BOC Certification Exam, an individual must be confirmed by the recognized program director of the CAATE accredited education program.

NOTE: Earning BOC certification does not guarantee the ability to obtain a license to practice athletic training in the United States. Visit the State Regulation page to view laws and contact information for each state and/or

Contact the BOC for assistance

International Arrangement – ARTI, BASRaT and CATA

Exam Requirements

In August 2021, the International Arrangement (IA) was implemented. The IA provides an opportunity for Athletic Trainers, Athletic Therapists and Sport Rehabilitators to be mobile on a global scale by creating a pathway to challenge each other’s credentialing examination. The current credentialing organizations included in the IA are Athletic Rehabilitation Therapy Ireland (ARTI), British Association of Sport Rehabilitators (BASRaT), BOC (USA) and Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA). Organizations who have met all criteria except the exam requirements may be granted provisional acceptance into the IA.

Anyone credentialed (certified or registered) by an IA organization (ARTI, BASRaT, BOC, CATA) may qualify and apply to challenge the exam of any other IA organization.

NOTE: Earning BOC certification does not guarantee the ability to obtain a license to practice athletic training in the United States. Visit the State Regulation page to view laws and contact information for each state and/or

Contact the BOC for assistance

Students/Graduates of a CAATE Program


  • Click, “New Customer”
  • Enter all personal data
    • Enter your name as it appears on your valid government issued photo ID
    • If you are an international student, enter “0000” when asked for the last four digits of your social security number
    • Receive an email from with your username and password
    • View your BOC360 dashboard, click “Link Myself to a Program/School” under My To Do List
    Create Your Profile

International Arrangement – ARTI, BASRaT and CATA


  • Click, “New Customer”
  • Enter all personal data
    • Enter your name as it appears on your valid government issued photo ID
    • If you are an international student, enter “0000” when asked for the last four digits of your social security number
    • Receive an email from with your username and password
    • View your BOC360 dashboard, click “Link Myself to a Program/School” under My To Do List
      • Enter International Arrangement (ARTI), International Arrangement (BASRaT) or International Arrangement (CATA) when asked to select CAATE accredited program
    Create Your Profile

Exam References

The exam reference list represents the materials used to support the exam items, as determined by the subject matter experts of the BOC Exam Development Committee. Every item is referenced twice to ensure a consensus exists on each item.

Download 2024-2025 Exam References

Self-Assessment Exams


Online self-assessment exams are available to students preparing for the BOC exam or ATs seeking an assessment of their continuing education (CE) needs.

  • The BOC offers self-assessment exams in Study and Test modes. Each self-assessment exam includes 80 questions that are representative of the question types on the BOC exam, including multiple-choice, multi-select, drag-and-drop, hot spot and focused testlets.
  • Although the content areas of the self-assessment exams are comparable to those of the actual BOC exam, the questions included in the self-assessment exams will never appear on a future exam.
  • The self-assessment exams are available via the internet 24 hours a day, seven days a week. After purchasing a self-assessment exam voucher, you will have 365 days to start a self-assessment exam. Once a self-assessment exam has been started, you will have seven days to complete the self-assessment exam and 12 cumulative hours to view and answer questions within the self-assessment exam. When you are ready to take a self-assessment exam, simply create a BOC profile (or log into your existing account) and click Take Self-Assessment Exams. You will be prompted to fill out your self-assessment exam profile, and then you may begin purchasing vouchers to use on self-assessment exams.
  • Your performance on this self-assessment exam does not predict your performance on the certification exam.
  • Completion of the self-assessment exam is voluntary and is not required to take the BOC exam.
  • The self-assessment exam items are copyrighted property of the BOC and may not be copied, reproduced, discussed or distributed in any manner. Unauthorized copying or distribution of any portion of these exams may be subject to civil liability for copyright infringement and disciplinary action pursuant to Code 3.9 of the “BOC Standards of Professional Practice.

If you have additional questions or experience technical difficulties with the self-assessment exam(s), please contact the BOC.

Download BOC Exam Candidate – Self-Assessment Exam Platform Tutorial
Download Program Director – Self-Assessment Exam Platform Tutorial
Log into your BOC Profile

Study Mode

In Study mode, you are provided with the correct answer and a reference by clicking on the “View Solution” link located on the bottom left-hand side of the screen for each question. Therefore, no final score is given and no report is available in Study Mode. This is due to the answer and reference being provided within each individual question.

  • After purchasing a self-assessment exam voucher, you will have 365 days to start a self-assessment exam. Once a self-assessment exam has been started, you will have seven days to complete the self-assessment exam and 12 cumulative hours to view and answer questions within the self-assessment exam.
  • Your performance on this self-assessment exam does not predict your performance on the certification exam.
  • The self-assessment exam items are copyrighted property of the BOC and may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in any manner. Unauthorized copying or distribution of any portion of these exams may be subject to civil liability for copyright infringement and disciplinary action pursuant to Code 3.9 of the “BOC Standards of Professional Practice.”

NOTE: The questions within each version in Study mode are identical to the questions within the same version in Test mode.

Self-assessment exam voucher purchases are final. No refunds or exchanges will be given after purchase.

Log into your BOC Profile

Test Mode

In Test mode, you will receive your score and brief descriptive report at the domain level immediately after you take a self-assessment exam.

  • You may edit the privacy settings on your self-assessment exam profile to determine if your program director has access to your results.
  • After purchasing a self-assessment exam voucher, you will have 365 days to start a self-assessment exam. Once a self-assessment exam has been started, you will have seven days to complete the self-assessment exam and 12 cumulative hours to view and answer questions within the self-assessment exam.
  • Candidates cannot re-enter the self-assessment exam once it has been submitted for scoring.
  • Your performance on this self-assessment exam does not predict your performance on the certification exam.
  • The self-assessment exam items are copyrighted property of the BOC and may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in any manner. Unauthorized copying or distribution of any portion of these exams may be subject to civil liability for copyright infringement and disciplinary action pursuant to Code 3.9 of the “BOC Standards of Professional Practice.

NOTE: The questions within each version in Test mode are identical to the questions within the same version in Study mode.

Self-assessment exam voucher purchases are final. No refunds or exchanges will be given after purchase.

Download Sample Results Page
Log into your BOC Profile

Bulk Vouchers

Bulk vouchers can be purchased at a discount. Program directors have the ability to assign vouchers to students directly within the system.

Single Voucher (Study or Test Mode) – $35
Bulk Vouchers Pricing – 10+ vouchers – 10% off
Bulk Vouchers Pricing – 15+ vouchers – 15% off

Order Vouchers

Sample Exam Questions

The BOC has prepared sample items that represent each exam question type to familiarize candidates with the look and feel of the computer interface and its navigation tools. If you have any questions, please contact the BOC.

Before You Begin

The BOC recommends using the latest version of Chrome or Firefox. If you are currently running Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8, then you must first switch to Desktop Mode before accessing any self-assessment exams.
Please note: You may need to load additional plug-ins (Java, Flash) and allow pop-ups.

The sample questions are a tool to familiarize you with how these questions will work and appear on the certification exam. This is not a study guide.

The sample questions are 25 multiple-choice, multi-select, drag-and-drop and hot spot as well as one focused testlet comprised of five questions that reference a common scenario. Make sure to utilize the help button located on the left menu.

View Sample Exam Questions

Practice Analysis


The purpose of the BOC certification program is to establish that individuals have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform tasks critical for the safe and competent practice as an entry-level Athletic Trainer through the exam and continuing competence requirements. The BOC Practice Analysis identifies essential knowledge and skills for the athletic training profession and serves as a blueprint for exam development and continuing competence programming.

Get Your Copy

By purchasing a document from the BOC Store, you indicate your understanding of the product being purchased. The PA is an electronic file that will be available for download immediately upon completion of online payment. Purchasers must download and save the file using the link provided on the order completion page, as the document will not be sent via email or mail.

  • Practice Analysis, 8th Edition (PA8)
  • Full Version: $18.95 (non-refundable)
    Purchase PA8

    BOC Exam: PA8 is effective for BOC exams beginning March/April 2023.
    Certification Maintenance: PA8 is effective for continuing education beginning January 1, 2024.

    Free PA8 Documents:
    The accompanying PA8 documents are available for download at no cost:

Download Content Outline for PA8
Download PA8 Comparison to PA7
Download How to Use the Practice Analysis
Download Crosswalk Comparing PA8 and CAATE 2020 Standards

Exam Development

Questions for the certification exam are prepared by a committee made up of BOC Certified Athletic Trainers (ATs). Each question is validated by a panel of independent judges in item writing groups, referenced to current resources from the literature on or related to athletic training and repeatedly edited by ATs for clarity and content. Questions satisfy the exam specifications of the current BOC Practice Analysis.

Questions are developed to assess your knowledge on subject matter from the five domains of athletic training. Each question is also subjected to editing for grammar and technical adequacy by experts from the BOC’s testing agency. Thus, content experts write the questions and validate their appropriateness for the exam, and experts in testing review the questions to ensure that the questions perform as intended.

Exam Purpose and Format


The purpose of the BOC exam is to assess your knowledge in the five domains of athletic training as defined by the current BOC Practice Analysis:

  • Domain 1: Risk Reduction, Wellness and Health Literacy
  • Domain 2: Assessment, Evaluation and Diagnosis
  • Domain 3: Critical Incident Management
  • Domain 4: Therapeutic Intervention
  • Domain 5: Health Administration and Professional Responsibility

The questions are written, validated and reviewed by a panel of content experts in coordination with psychometricians. Each question is referenced to at least two textbooks that can be found in here.

Download 2024-2025 Exam References

The BOC certification exam is an internet-based exam administered in secure and proctored professional testing centers. The exam contains a combination of 175 scored and unscored (experimental) items including:

1. Stand-Alone Items

  • Multiple choice
  • Multi-select
  • Drag-and-drop
  • Hot spot

2. Focused Testlets

  • A focused testlet consists of a scenario followed by key/critical items related to that scenario
  • Each focused testlet may include multiple choice items and/or any of the previous types.

You will not know which questions are experimental.

Following login, you are presented with an entry screen in to the exam. You can select to view a demo or enter the exam. When you have completed the exam, you will submit it for scoring.

You have the ability to move forward or back throughout the entire exam.

You have a total of four hours to complete the exam.

View Sample Exam Questions

Exam Scoring

Exams are scored by Meazure Learning, a professional testing service that specializes in certification and licensure exams.

Each form of the exam includes experimental items that do not count in scoring. Candidates are scored only on those items that have been aligned to the exam specifications of the current BOC Practice Analysis and validated for scoring. Candidate raw scores are then computed as the number of scored items answered correctly, with all questions equally weighted. In addition, individual items cannot earn a negative point value. Items that ask for multiple correct answers (i.e., multi-select and drag-and-drop items) are eligible for partial credit. Scores will be reported on a scale from 200 to 800, and the minimum passing score for the exam is 500.

Exam results are posted in the candidate’s BOC profile within two-four weeks from the last day of the exam window. Once exam results have been posted, candidates are sent an email with directions for accessing their electronic exam results.

Candidates Who Pass the BOC Exam

Candidates who were successful on the BOC exam will see a status of “Certified” or “Certification Eligible” in their BOC profile. If a candidate’s status is “Certification Eligible,” use of the ATC® credential is strictly prohibited until a candidate’s file is complete and the BOC has granted certification.

Candidates who pass the BOC exam will not receive an exam score on their exam result letter. Once the passing standard (score of 500) has been met, the score becomes irrelevant. The exam is designed to identify individuals who have met a specific threshold, therefore; it would be inappropriate to use an exam score to compare passing candidates (e.g., a candidate who scores a 600 is not necessarily more qualified or competent than a candidate who scores a 550 when the passing standard is 500).

Candidates Who Have Not Passed the BOC Exam

Candidates who were unsuccessful on the BOC exam will see a status of “Exam Eligible” in their BOC profile. The BOC recommends candidates register for the next exam window as soon as possible.

Scores for candidates who are unsuccessful on the exam are reported on a scale from 200 to 800, and the minimum passing score for the exam is 500. Score reports include a basic descriptive report of domain level performance in comparison to a reference group of candidates receiving a passing score.

Explanation of Exam Results

Passing Point

The passing point used for the BOC certification exam is a criterion-referenced approach called the Angoff Modified Technique. This technique is currently considered by testing professionals to be one of the most defensible criterion referenced methods available for setting passing points. It relies on the pooled judgments of content experts. For example, in this approach, a group of BOC Certified Athletic Trainers (judges) is asked to judge each item on the exam. The criterion used to judge each item is, “What is the probability that a minimally acceptable candidate will answer this item correctly?” This question prompts the judges to consider a group of minimally acceptable candidates and what proportion of that group will answer each item correctly.


The exam score is confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone other than the candidate who has taken the exam unless the BOC receives a written request to do so from a candidate or is directed to do so by subpoena or court order. A candidate wanting scores released to another entity must indicate in writing which particular scores may be disclosed and identify specifically the person or organization to which the scores should be revealed.

Review of Exams & Appeal of Questions

For security reasons, exam material is not available for review. Candidates who have comments about an exam question should mail their comments to:

Board of Certification
Attn: Credentialing
1411 Harney St Ste 100
Omaha NE 68102

When item writing committees meet to revise the exam, they will have available to them information provided by candidates. The BOC, however, will not respond to comments individually.

Exam Resources

BOC Exam Style Guide

The style guide was developed to assist BOC item writers and other stakeholder.

Download BOC Style Guide
Item Analysis Explanation

This statistics primer summarizes the qualifying criteria for an exam item.

Download Analysis Explanation
BOC Practice Analysis & CAATE Standards Crosswalk

The crosswalk analysis serves to illustrate that the content for the BOC exam is incorporated into accredited athletic training programs.

Download Crosswalk Comparing BOC Practice Analysis


Applications and registrations must be received by 5 p.m. CT on the appropriate deadline date. See Review Exam Deadlines for more information.

Jan 2025

Apply: Now*-12/9/24
Register: 12/6/24-12/16/24
Schedule: 12/23/24^-1/16/25
Exam: 1/4-1/18
Results: 2/3-2/17

Mar/Apr 2025

Apply: Now*-2/24
Register: 2/21-3/5
Schedule: 3/11^-4/3
Exam: 3/22-4/5
Results: 4/21-5/5

May/Jun 2025

Apply: Now*-4/28
Register: 4/25-5/7
Schedule: 5/13^-6/5
Exam: 5/24-6/7
Results: 6/23-7/7

Jul/Aug 2025

Apply: Now*-6/30
Register: 6/27-7/9
Schedule: 7/15^-8/7
Exam: 7/26-8/9
Results: 8/25-9/8

Oct 2025

Apply: Now*-9/8
Register: 9/5-9/17
Schedule: 9/23^-10/16
Exam: 10/4-10/18
Results: 11/3-11/17

BOC reserves the right to adjust scheduled dates when circumstances beyond our control arise.

*Must be enrolled/registered in final semester/quarter prior to graduation
^Approximate date of when scheduling email will be received from Meazure Learning.

View BOC Exam Candidate Handbook


Meazure Learning Testing Sites

The lists available at the Meazure Learning website includes the full list of Meazure Learning testing sites; however, not every site will be available for every testing window.

Once you are approved to take an exam, you will receive a web link with your notice to schedule that lists specifically which sites, dates and times are available during the testing window for which you are scheduling.

View Exam Site Closure Updates

2025 Holidays

The BOC office is closed on these holidays.

Winter Holiday: December 24 – Dec. 31 (2024)
New Year’s Day: January 1, 2025
Martin Luther King Jr Day: January 20
Good Friday:  April 18
Memorial Day:  May 26
Juneteenth:  June 19
Independence Day:  July 4
Labor Day:  September 1
Thanksgiving:  November 27 – 28
Winter Holiday:  December 24 – 26
New Year’s Day (2025):  January 1 – 2, 2026


The affidavit portion of the exam application requires candidates to report any felony or misdemeanor conviction and any academic suspension or expulsion from a college or university.

Candidates may request a predetermination of eligibility at any time by submitting their documentation to the BOC via email, fax or mail prior to submitting their application. The Professional Practice and Discipline Committee reviews all convictions. Candidates are notified in writing of the committee’s decision. Please review the “Professional Practice and Disciplinary Guidelines and Procedures” for details. Candidates who are granted eligibility to sit for the BOC exam should review their state’s practice act prior to sitting for the BOC exam. Their conviction(s) could affect their ability to obtain licensure in that state.

The affidavit portion of the exam application requires candidates to answer the following questions when submitting their exam applications. If the answers are yes, additional documentation will be required to upload. Documentation is reviewed within two-three business days of receipt.

Question 1

Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor and/or are felony or misdemeanor charges pending against you? For the purposes of this question, include convictions that have since been removed from your record, such as through expungement or through a pre-trial diversion program or similar process.

Required Documentation

If yes, upload with your application an explanation, in your own words, of the events that led to the conviction(s), copy of court document(s), including, but not limited to, an arrest report, sentence recommendation, proof of compliance of all court requirements and proof of payment for all related fines. If the case(s) were alcohol or drug related, you may also be required to provide a current professional alcohol/substance abuse evaluation that is no older than three months. If an evaluation was not required by the court, you must obtain an evaluation from a licensed alcohol/chemical dependency counselor at your expense.

Question 2

Have you been found by any court, administrative or disciplinary proceeding to have committed negligence, malpractice, recklessness or willful or intentional misconduct, or are you currently under investigation for such?*

Required Documentation

Required documentation: If yes, upload with your application a detailed explanation, in your own words, of the events that led to the disciplinary action for negligence, malpractice, recklessness or willful or intentional misconduct.

Question 3

Have you ever been suspended or expelled from an academic institution?

Required Documentation

If yes, upload with your application a detailed explanation, in your own words, as to the events that led to your suspension/expulsion and proof of reinstatement to the academic institution or program. 

ADA Policy

The BOC, in adherence with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA, 1990, updated 2010), reasonable and appropriate accommodations are provided for qualified individuals with a disability who supply appropriate documentation. The BOC follows the guidelines set forth in the Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation (CLEAR) and Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE). The BOC does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of religion, gender, ethnic background or physical disability.

A candidate may request a change in certification procedures or process due to disability, handicap or other reason. To request a change, a candidate must answer yes to “Do you have a disability that will require special accommodation(s) in order for you to take the BOC certification exam?” Medical documentation of specific needs or evidence of receiving reasonable accommodations at the university level must accompany the request. The request must be specific as to the nature of the problem. These recommendations should be based on testing that is not older than four years prior to the application. Accommodation requests must be received by the BOC no later than 5 p.m. CT on the registration deadline of the requested exam window. The applicant is responsible for demonstrating that the request should be granted. The BOC will review the request and notify the candidate in writing of its determination within 2-3 business days of receipt.

Reasonable Accommodations

Reasonable accommodations provide disabled candidates with a fair and equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skill in the essential functions being measured by the exam. Reasonable accommodations are decided on the basis of the individual’s specific request, disability, documentation submitted and the appropriateness of the request.

Reasonable accommodations do not include steps that fundamentally alter the purpose or nature of the exam. The most frequent requests involve providing the candidate with extended time, a reader, a writer and/or a separate room.

Qualified Individual with a Disability

A “qualified individual with a disability” is one who has a disability and satisfies the requisite skill, experience, education and other requirements of the service, program or activity of which the individual is being measured and, with or without accommodations, can perform the essential functions of the service, program or activity.

An essential function is one that individuals are required to perform, and removing that function would fundamentally change the service, program or activity. A person must be a “qualified individual with a disability” to be protected under the ADA.

Proper Documentation

Candidates requesting a change in exam procedures or processes due to disability, handicap or other reason must answer yes to “Do you have a disability that will require special accommodation(s) in order for you to take the BOC certification exam?” on the exam application. The candidate is responsible for demonstrating that the request should be granted. The BOC will accept either of the following types of documentation:

    1. Medical Documentation
      Documentation must provide a diagnosis of the disability and the exam used to determine the disability. Documentation must be from an appropriate licensed professional or certified specialist who diagnosed the disability and include specific recommendations for reasonable accommodations as well as the diagnosed disability. Documentation must be on the professional’s letter head and no older than four years.



  1. Proof of Receiving Accommodations at College/University Level
    Documentation must be provided on the college/university’s letterhead and may include an individualized education plan (IEP).

The confidentiality of all documentation submitted by the candidate is protected. The BOC will review the request and notify the candidate via email of its determination within two to three business days of receipt.

Requests for Reasonable Accommodations
  • In order to be given consideration, appropriate documentation must be received by the BOC no later than 5 p.m. CT, offset UTC-six hours on the exam registration deadline date of the requested exam window.
  • Candidates approved for reasonable accommodations are notified via email of the accommodation(s) granted to them. Candidates not approved for reasonable accommodations are notified via email of the denial of their request.
  • If a candidate’s request for accommodations is not approved, the candidate may initiate an appeal. Appeals must be made in writing to Credentialing Services. The candidate is responsible for demonstrating that the appeal should be granted. Appeals must be received no later than 5 p.m. CT on the exam registration deadline date for the exam window the candidate is requesting. Failure to appeal within the allotted time will render the original decision final.
  • The BOC will not pay any costs that a candidate may incur in obtaining the required diagnosis and recommendation. However, the BOC will pay for any reasonable exam-related accommodations that are provided to the candidate.

 Maintain Certification

Continuing Education

Newly certified Athletic Trainers (ATs) can begin accumulating continuing education units (CEUs) the day they are certified. The following applies to new ATs:

2023 50 12/31/2025
2024 25 12/31/2025
2025 50 12/31/2027
2026 25 12/31/2027

Once you have completed your first CE reporting period, your next reporting period will be two years (starting the day after the end of your last reporting period) and you will need to complete 50 CEUs.


New ATs will have the certification maintenance fee waived for the year in which they are certified (i.e., the 2024 certification maintenance fee will be waived for ATs certified in 2024).

Continuing Education
Standards of Professional Practice
Find BOC Approved Providers & Programs

NPI Number

The National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) and the Board of Certification (BOC) urge all Athletic Trainers (ATs) to register for a National Provider Identifier (NPI) number. An NPI number is now required for all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) transactions and claims, coordination of patient benefits, patient medical record system and prescriptions.

What is the NPI number?

Your NPI number allows other health care professionals (physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors, physician assistants, hospital systems, etc.) know who provided the patient’s care or referral. An NPI is essential for electronic medical records compliance. The 10 digit NPI number is your unique identifier in the electronic medical record arena.

Why get an NPI number?

With health care reform solidly underway, it is more important than ever that each AT obtains their NPI number upon licensure. Having an NPI is more than a reimbursement issue. It’s another way to stand up and be counted in the health profession community.

An NPI is required of all health care professionals for HIPAA transactions, claims and coordination of patient benefits.

Who needs an NPI number?

All health care professionals need NPI numbers, including athletic training faculty members, preceptors and program directors.

When did this begin?

The NPI number was described and passed into law in 1996, as part of HIPAA. However, the section pertaining to the NPI only became effective in May 2007.

How do I obtain an NPI number?

Visit the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) website to complete an application with the following codes:

  • Provider Code 22 (Respiratory, Rehabilitative & Restorative Service Providers)
  • Taxonomy Code 2255A2300X (Athletic Trainer)

Professional Association

The National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) is the national membership organization for the profession of athletic training. The mission of the NATA is to enhance the quality of health care provided by Certified Athletic Trainers and to advance the athletic training profession. Visit the NATA website for more information on becoming a member of the NATA.

Stay Informed

The BOC exam is just the beginning of your relationship with the BOC. Once you are certified and begin your career, the BOC is here to help you throughout your professional journey.

Keep your BOC profile up to date

The BOC communicates regularly and proactively with each and every candidate and AT so it is critical to keep your contact information current with the BOC; you may update your contact information with the BOC at any time.

Check your email

Regular e-blasts are sent informing you of changes, new trends and important information following district meetings and the national NATA conference.

Look for CE reminders

Reminders are sent letting you know when CE is due and other important deadlines.

Read the “Cert Update”

The BOC’s bi-annual publication, “Cert Update,” is mailed in the summer and winter and packed full of information about the BOC credential, CE opportunities, state regulatory news and much more.

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Subscribe to the BOC newsroom, like our Facebook page, connect with us on LinkedIn and follow us on TwitterInstagram, and YouTube.

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