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BOC Exam Candidate Tutorial – Educator Resource Center

To attain BOC certification, an individual must complete an entry-level athletic training education program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) and pass the BOC Certification Exam. Anyone credentialed (certified or registered) by an International Arrangement (IA) organization (ARTI, BASRaT, BOC, CATA) may qualify and apply to challenge the exam of any other IA organization.

To better assist exam candidates through the BOC exam candidate process, the BOC developed the BOC Exam Candidate Tutorial videos that focus on the CAATE candidate exam process. The tutorial videos can help CAATE candidates determine eligibility for the BOC exam. The BOC Exam Candidate Tutorial provides step-by-step details on how to create a profile, apply, register, schedule their BOC exam and complete their certification file.

The tutorial videos are available as a full-length video or in smaller clips detailing individual steps. The videos with individual steps were incorporated into the “Candidates” section of the website. Under the “Educators” section of the website, we created “BOC Exam Candidate Tutorial” tab as a resource center for educators to access each video.

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