Featured BOC Approved Provider: Wyoming Athletic Trainers’ Association
The BOC regularly features BOC Approved Providers for notable efforts to enhance its continuing education programs for Athletic Trainers (ATs). Featured organizations follow the guidelines set forth by the BOC. Joanna Fletcher, MS, LAT, ATC is a vice president for the Wyoming Athletic Trainers’ Association (WyoATA) and shares her organization’s experience.
Why does your organization choose to participate in the BOC Approved Provider Program?
The WyoATA is an association for Athletic Trainers (ATs). We have chosen to be a BOC Approved Provider as our members are required to complete continuing education to maintain their BOC certification. We are happy to be able to provide ATs with a local state opportunity to earn continuing education units (CEUs) during our yearly state meeting.
How have the BOC standards and guidelines for BOC Approved Providers impacted your program development and administrative processes to offer continuing education programs for ATs?
The standards and guidelines provide us with the proper outcomes for achievement in offering CEUs to our members. We collect topics from our members that they would like to hear about for the next symposium. After reviewing the BOC guidelines and standards, we will look for a speaker who can speak to the topic but also fit the BOC requirements to offer CEUs to members.
How do you design your curriculum to help participants improve outcomes in the patients they serve?
As mentioned above, our design is based on what our members tell us they would like to learn. We then find speakers that are up to date on the latest evidence and practice in those areas. This will allow our members to take what they have learned and start to incorporate it into their practice and provide the best possible care for their patients.
What advice do you have for organizations looking to be on the cutting edge and maintain compliance, as they develop education programs?
Get a timeline and checklist of the guidelines that need to be completed in the annual report. Feel free to call the BOC office when you have questions, the team there is really great at answering your questions and offering assistance.