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Spotlight on Occupational Licensing – PCC Year End Achievements and Future Priorities

The Professional Certification Coalition (PCC) released its annual recap for fiscal year 2021-2022, as well as its priorities for 2022-2023.

PCC is a nonprofit proactive and continuing coalition that monitors and responds to legislative and regulatory activity that would undermine the activities or recognition of certifications developed or offered by non-governmental, private certification organization, and to educate stakeholders about the role of professional certification. The PCC also works with lawmakers to advance legislation that expands professional opportunities while supporting the principles of providing the public assurances that certified and licensed individuals have demonstrated they have the expected knowledge, competence and skills to practice in their chosen field.

The BOC has been a member of PCC since August 2018 to help address efforts to enact state legislation that would undermine the activities or recognition of certifications developed or offered by non-governmental, private certification organizations.

Following are highlights of the PCC’s annual report:


  • Amended major state workforce legislation in Oklahoma (SB 1691), which established a new baseline for “clean slate” bills in the U.S.
  • Shaped federal legislation that would increase access to certifications and training and help Americans navigate shifting workforce dynamics.
  • Hosted PCC’s first legislative advocacy event, a virtual “fly-in,” connecting Coalition members directly with Congressional staff.
  • Delivered 62 amendment proposals via letter and testimony to engage with and improve legislation that impacts the entire certification community.
  • Tracked and analyzed 120 bills across 40+ states; built relationships with prominent regulators and stakeholder organizations.


State Advocacy

  • Occupational Licensing Reform – Defending state recognition of credentialing in state license laws.
  • State Credentialing Reciprocity – Promoting legislation for equal qualifying standards and scopes of practice between states.
  • “Clean Slate” Legislation – Supporting bills to balance work reentry and organizations’ rights.
  • “Consumer Choice” Bills – Opposing legislation likely to undermine the health, safety and welfare of American consumers.

Federal Advocacy

  • Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act: H.R. 2171 / S. 905: This bipartisan, bicameral legislation would expand eligible uses of tax-favorable “529” education savings plans to cover costs associated with workforce training and credentialing programs, such as certification and recertification exams.
  • Resources & Education to Build (REBUILD) Skills Act: Pending: This bill would provide eligible displaced workers, returning service members, and military spouses federally funded “Career Rebuilding Scholarships” to earn certifications and would create a national database of quality certification programs.

Additional details about these PCC efforts and accomplishments during the past year and going forward can be found here.

The PCC has more than 100 organizational members, including non-governmental professional certification organizations, professional societies and service providers. The PCC’s members reflect a wide spectrum of more than 50 professions, including health care, engineering, financial services, and information technology, among many others. Their founding organizations – the American Society of Association Executives (the leading organization for association management) and the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (the leading developer of accreditation standards for professional certification programs) – govern the PCC. Find out more at About PCC.

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