The BOC offices are closed Monday, Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

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Standards for BOC Approved Providers Reformatted and Updated

The Board of Certification (BOC) has recently reformatted its current “Standards for BOC Approved Providers.” The document has been updated and repackaged in a new user-friendly layout.

The document reflects a more concise version and structure of the previous standards, with a mix of minor editorial and organization changes. Adjustments reflect our goal to make the process more impactful and program delivery more effective for BOC Approved Providers. Use of this document is effective immediately.

Specific changes of note in the document include:

  • Terminology: To more specifically define education programs home” and “live” events will now be classified by delivery: “virtual” or “face to face.” The timing will be classified as either “asynchronous” (not at the same time, on demand) or “synchronous” (at the same time, live). (Providers will be able to make these indications for each program beginning October 1, 2020.)
  • Rule Change: Providers must now post to the program directory at least 10 days prior to the start of the event. This is a change from posting two weeks out.

Please note that this version is not currently posted on the BOC website so retain for your use starting immediately. Let us know if you have any questions. You can reach us at or (877) 262-3926.

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